The Procure2Pay Sales Module and Marketplace Module solutions are a comprehensive global business to business, business to consumer, direct sales and procurement process solution that operates as a single, enterprise-based SaaS package. The solutions provide discovery, sourcing, procurement, sales and transaction management functionality within a single enterprise system. The standalone solutions can also be integrated with existing ERP’s or accounting systems and without the need for legacy EDI document processing.

The Internet-Based Trading Solution


The New Economy

Align your business to your customers with the Industry's most flexible, cost effective and robust multi-channel commerce solution.

The B2B eCommerce environment is demanding all enterprises, irrespective of size, to be eCommerce ready to compete strategically within today's global marketplace. Enterprises need the ability to:
  • quickly and efficiently discover suitable, potential trading partners,
  • negotiate the optimal transaction terms, and finally,
  • close the best possible deal.

Today's enterprises need to be able to do these with minimal human intervention, secure in the knowledge that they have access to the most up to date information.

Today's enterprises need to have the ability to send out strategic signals and receive feedbacks that reflect the rapidly changing competitive environment in which they operate.

Today's enterprises need systems that allow them to sell and procure, internally and externally, domestically and internationally, direct or indirect-cost, goods and services.

Today's enterprises need a set of business software solutions that offer a high degree of inter-enterprise connectivity, electronic smart systems, full front-to-back system integration and non-linear workflow management.

FileVison helps buyers and sellers transform and innovate to achieve operational excellence, lower cost, and improve speed, accuracy and efficiency across their supply chain.

Most large buying organizations across the globe rely heavily on 50+ year old legacy systems and legacy technology to create and move standardized business documents. This middleware only adds a level of complexity, cost, and inefficiencies that are not needed.

It is time that retailers of all sizes move into the 21st Century and take advantage of the technology that the 21 Century has to offer. With FileVision’s advanced B2B and B2C Marketplaces, the retailer can obtain and exchange product data at the UPC level including images. The retailer can also exchange critical business documents electronically and even receive electronic daily inventory status reports from their vendor base so as to make it far easier for the retailer to play in the Omni-Channel/Endless Aisle world that we live in today.

And remember, you can have all this without adding and/or modifying legacy software to your IT infrastructure and without adding headcount.

Are you faced with these problems?

  1. I’m getting my vendor’s UPC/Product data and images in many disparate ways. My vendors utilize spreadsheets, email, fax, telephone and snail-mail to supply their product data to me.
  2. I’m having problems playing in the world of Omni-Channel because I do not know the product inventory levels of my vendors. This makes it especially hard to fulfill orders in a timely manner for consumers that wish to purchase products from me. This results in poor customer service and lost sales.
  3. As a retailer, do you know that the invoices you receive from your vendor community are accurate? Do you have the means to complete a three-way match on 1) What is ordered 2) What is physically received at the DC or the store 3) And what is ordered and received matches the invoice that is sent by the vendor. Are you overpaying your vendors? Many retailers are.

There are 3 solutions to help the retailer overcome these problems. Click the Marketplace Module Link. Then move on to the Procure2Pay Sales Module for the answers.